
2014年4月25日—OpenCVError:OpenGLAPIcall(Can'tloadOpenGLextension[glBindBuffer])inIntGetProcAddress,filesources-modules-core-src-gl_core_3_1.cpp,line146,2019年3月19日—ThejailbreakersareusingthismethodtoinstallthenewJBupdatesinordertogetaroundtheImpactorerrorfornow.,2020年11月14日—Canyouaddthefollowingtoyourlaunch.jsonandsharetheoutputfromtheDebugConsole?logging:engineLogging:true,traceResponse ...

OpenCV Error

2014年4月25日 — OpenCV Error: OpenGL API call (Can't load OpenGL extension [glBindBuffer]) in IntGetProcAddress, file sources-modules-core-src-gl_core_3_1.cpp, line 146

iPhone Cydia Impactor Error file:installation.cpp; line

2019年3月19日 — The jailbreakers are using this method to install the new JB updates in order to get around the Impactor error for now.

Cannot debug cpp files using VSCODE · Issue #6515

2020年11月14日 — Can you add the following to your launch.json and share the output from the Debug Console ? logging: engineLogging: true, traceResponse ...

Clangd does not recognize basic headers (cpp file) #556

2020年10月14日 — On line 146 of this llvm source, match against some regex does not pass. I am not sure is going on there. Logging regex and string would help, ...

Mac builds of Hugin

I am presenting the lightroom workflow as it triggers an error log on my mac. A log which is not triggered when running align_image_stack on command line ...

Cydia Impactor 常見各種錯誤解決方法全收錄

在越獄時透過Cydia Impactor 安裝IPA 時,經常會碰見不少用戶反應過程中都會出現錯誤代碼,為了讓大家能夠更好查詢到這類問題錯誤,直接透過這篇來彙整Cydia Impactor ...

How do you install Boost on MacOS?

2008年9月19日 — Just get the source, and compile Boost yourself; it has become very easy. Here is an example for the current version of Boost on the current macOS.

[Question] [Discussion] Jailbreak solution for ipad 2 9.3.5. anyone?

... download, i then tried impactor and downloaded the phoenix.ipa, that failed as well, i get the message. ERROR. file: http-osx.cpp; line: 146; what: The ...

[Question] Cydia impactor giving me a 146 error.

2019年2月3日 — What does it say specifically in the error? The most common solutions are to. -Reinstall impactor. -revoke certificates.

How to Fix http-osx.cpp

2017年4月24日 — How to Fix http-osx.cpp:131 Error in Cydia Impactor · Uninstall iTunes · Use a different Computer · Try another USB Cable · Remove Bogus Cydia ...